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The Respiratory Care program is a selective admission program with academic, interview, 程序要求.

RC Program applications are due March 15 for the following Fall start date.

选择性录取项目不符合资格 60+减免学费.

我们将在截止日期后评估你的申请, 只要你提交了所有必需的文件. The following criteria requirements will be used to determine your eligibility, final ranking, and selection:

BIOL 144 人体解剖学与生理学
OR BIOL 140 Human Anatomy AND BIOL 225 Human Physiology
CHEM 122 化学原理
OR CHEM 124 Chemistry I AND CHEM 125 Chemistry I Lab 
ENGL 121 Composition I 3
MATH 116 Intermediate Algebra 3
必修总学时 16
  • 所有课程必须以C或更高的成绩完成.  Pass or Fail grade options will not be accepted for prerequisites.
  • Completion of prerequisite courses is not required for application to the program 但必须在课程开始前完成.


  • 如果你的课程已经在赌钱app可以微信提现完成, 你的成绩单副本将放在你的档案中.
  • You can check your academic record by logging into your My赌钱app可以微信提现 account, selecting the My Records tab and clicking on “View Unofficial Transcripts.“没有必要要求赌钱app可以微信提现的成绩单.
  • You must contact all 其他机构和要求 official 成绩单直接发送至 赌钱app可以微信提现择优录取. Transcripts from other institutions will be released to 赌钱app可以微信提现 only upon request of the applicant. 传真或随身携带的副本 not be accepted.
  • You are responsible for making sure that all transfer credit is posted to your transcript as equivalent to 赌钱app可以微信提现 courses required or to see a Counselor about the possibility of obtaining a course substitution by Feb. 1.

请给招生办公室发电子邮件 如果你有任何问题.

We highly recommend that you meet with a 赌钱app可以微信提现 counselor prior to applying to the program. 预约咨询,请致电913-469-3809或发送电子邮件 并要求与RC或医疗保健顾问会面

我们将在截止日期后评估你的申请, 只要你提交了所有必需的文件. The following criteria will be used to determine your final ranking and selection:

  • Cumulative GPA.
  • 在申请截止日期前完成必修课程的人数. Completion of prerequisite courses is not required for application to the program, 但必须在课程开始前完成.
  • Academic record demonstrates ability to handle a significant course load successfully.
  • Healthcare courses (e.g. 医疗服务概论、医学术语等.)成功完成超出最低要求
  • Candidates who have completed a certificate or degree and have submitted proof prior to the application deadline (for example: CNA, EMT, Pharmacy Tech, AS, BS).

The Disclosure and Consent for Background Check form is contained within the program application. Once you have 初步验收 into the program, you must pass the background check and drug screen.

在你的接受意向书被收到后, we will provide instructions on required onboarding tasks and how to initiate the background check, drug screen and Document Management System (DMS) through Validity Screening Solutions. 之前的背景调查不能使用. All flagged records are reviewed on a case-by-case situation and may prevent full acceptance to the program. Any noncompliance with these mandates may result in retraction of your acceptance or termination from the program.

在进入该计划时, students will receive further instructions on the required timing of vaccinations and TB testing. Our clinical affiliate sites that students attend require proof of vaccination. Therefore, all students entering a healthcare program such as Respiratory Care will need to provide proof of immunization and/or immunity for the following:

  • Hepatitis B series and Immunity – One of the following is required:
    • 3 vaccinations or
    • 抗体滴度或阳性
    • 签署的学校拒绝豁免书
  • 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹-需要下列其中一项:
    • 2 vaccinations or
    • 3种成分抗体效价均为阳性
  • 破伤风、白喉及无细胞百日咳
    • 提交过去10年内的Tdap或加强疫苗的文件
  • Varicella Zoster Virus (Chicken Pox) - One of the following is required:
    • 2 vaccinations or
    • 抗体阳性滴度
  • Flu vaccine
    • 必须在每年8月1日至10月31日之间完成
  • TB screening -
    • QuantiFeron Gold血液测试(需要实验室报告)
    • If positive TB results, a clear chest X-Ray (Lab report required)
  • COVID-19 - Due to the rapidly changing clinical requirements in regard to the COVID-19 vaccination, contact the program Director for the most current requirements and process.

Interviewed applicants will be offered positions based on interview panel consensus by email. The remaining interview candidates will either be placed on a waiting list or identified as candidates who will no longer be considered for program entrance based on criteria.

Applicants offered acceptance will need to confirm their intent to accept by the established deadline. 


  • Satisfactory completion of any remaining prerequisite coursework prior to the beginning of the program.
  • Satisfactory completion of the required background check and drug screening. Instructions will be provided to accepted candidates regarding requirements. Any noncompliance with these mandates may result in retraction of your acceptance or termination from the program.  
  • Submission and review of the Health Record Packet and supporting documentation. The packet, 免疫验证, and onboarding tasks are to be completed and submitted online by the designated date. 
  • 任何与背景调查相关的费用, 健康记录和体格检查, 或其他机构或州的要求是你的责任. 看看“它要花多少钱??” panel at the 主呼吸护理页面的底部 该计划的估计费用.

After notification of acceptance to the program, the following must be completed by August 2:

1. 有效文件管理系统(DMS)

  • 创建一个新用户帐户
  • 新的背景调查和药物测试通过有效性

2. Health Record Packet

  • 这份15页的资料包包括常见问题, instructions, 规定的免疫接种和任务的最后期限
  • 学生答谢书必须签名并注明日期
  • A new physical exam is required (allow time to schedule and complete the physical exam by a doctor or nurse practitioner)

3. 基本生命支持(BLS)证书

  • Must be American Heart Association for Healthcare Professionals BLS (or BLS CPR & 通过AHA的AED认证) 于六月一日至七月三十一日完成这是该项目接受的年份 with no exceptions

4. 家庭照顾安全资料库

  • Register and receive a new official FCSR background screening confirmation letter. 如果你之前注册过, contact FCSR and request a newly run FCSR background screening for verification.

5. 跟踪/临床观察

  • Shadowing Contact Information and Verification form will be provided for completion once accepted into the program.

6. Documentation

  • Upload verification/documentation of completed required tasks onto Validity DMS before the August 2 deadline.
This program requires an internship, practicum, clinical component or state/board licensing. The institutions that host internships/practicums/clinicals may require applicants to provide a Social Security number or show proof of having a Social Security card. 更多信息请咨询项目主席.