
根据… 强制性培训政策.02, all employees are required to complete mandatory compliance training and, as determined by the needs of the College or the employee’s department, required job-specific training each fiscal year. New employees are required to complete this program within 90 calendar days from the date of their hire.

不歧视/Anti-Harassment Training


  1. 去My赌钱app可以微信提现
  2. Sign in using 赌钱app可以微信提现 username and password
  3. Select Mandatory Training under Recruiting and Performance card
  4. From there, you will see the course listed under your Assignments

持续时间: 大约60分钟.

描述: Preventing Harassment and Discrimination prepares learners to cultivate and maintain a workplace culture resistant to discrimination, 骚扰和报复. Employees will be equipped with the information and skills that promote intervention, 同理心和盟友关系.

Access Preventing Harassment and Discrimination Gateway materials (PDF)

Vector Solutions is the College’s training platform for employees and students.



描述: All newly hired supervisors either new to the College or newly moved into a supervisory role will need to complete the 主管培训系列. This is a series covering the following topics:

  • 监管的法律方面
  • 员工生命周期
  • 员工敬业度
  • 绩效管理

Access 主管培训系列 materials (PDF)


Prior to serving on a campus hiring or selection committee, employees must have completed the hiring committee training identified by 人力资源 within the prior 12 months.


  1. 去My赌钱app可以微信提现
  2. Sign in using 赌钱app可以微信提现 username and password
  3. Select Mandatory Training under Recruiting and Performance card
  4. From there, you will see the course listed under Suggested Training

For non-赌钱app可以微信提现 employees who are serving on a hiring committee, 请 reach out to 员工的发展 为了参加培训. 员工的发展 will provide you a link to register for the training.


描述: Hiring Committee prepares learners to chair or serve on a hiring committee at the College. Learners will learn the process from reviewing applications, 面试候选人, 然后选出最后的候选人.

Access Hiring/搜索 Committee training materials (PDF)


Find information about the required Title IX training

A Culture of 归属感 Training (Opt-In)

The Culture Navigator is a three-part training series created with students, 教师, 还有员工. Participants are guided through the exploration of culture and belonging within the educational setting. 通过这个系列, we invite you to experiential learning, small and large group discussions, and thought-provoking activities that lead to the development of strategies for co-creating a culture of belonging in the classroom or in team dynamics.

持续时间: 4.5个小时

Access Culture Navigator training materials (PDF)


Safe Zone trainings are opportunities to learn about LGBTQ+ identities, 性别与性, 并审视偏见, 假设, 和特权.  

持续时间: 2小时

Access the SafeZone training course (PDF)

Guidelines for Etiquette and Inclusive Best Practices in the Workplace (Opt-In)

持续时间: 60分钟

描述: This training is an opportunity for our employees who want to review and update your techniques for:

  • Effective introductions and small talk in workplace settings
  • Contributing meaningfully to discussions and articulating ideas with professionalism during meetings
  • Essential principles for conducting oneself professionally during phone calls and voicemail interactions
  • Strategies for fostering a positive workplace culture including techniques to refrain from engaging in gossip and actively contributing to nurturing a constructive workplace environment
  • Developing an understanding of maintaining professionalism and showing respect when collaborating with colleagues from varied cultural, 宗教, 或者语言背景

Access the Guidelines for Etiquette and Inclusive Best Practices training course materials (PDF)


持续时间: 60分钟

描述: This training is an opportunity for our employees who want to learn more about the pillars of Emotional Intelligence, how you can improve your own EQ and how to better your skills in common workplace situations:

  • 解决冲突,
  • 提高你的适应能力
  • 增加你的动力,
  • Dealing with negativity in the workplace and more!

Access Emotional Intelligence course materials (PDF)